
Invisalign or clear aligners are invisible verity of braces that helps straightened teeth and gives beautiful smile. Let’s know about it in detail.

Teeth Aren’t Perfect After Invisalign: Causes, Solutions

When people wear Invisalign, they expect their teeth to be perfect when the treatment is done. But, what if your teeth aren’t perfect after Invisalign? Sometimes, your teeth might not be perfect after braces. Your teeth might still have some irregularities, spacing, or slight protrusion even after Invisalign. In addition, your teeth can get more […]

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Invisalign Not Tracking One/Whole Tooth: Causes, Fixes

Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces for people who want to straighten their teeth without the conspicuousness of metal brackets and wires. However, after getting Invisalign aligners, one tray might not be tracking your one tooth (e.g lateral incisor or back molar). Sometimes, the aligner may not cover the whole tooth. So, you

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Invisalign Not Fitting: Causes, How To Make It Fit Again

Invisalign is a popular choice for teeth straightening, but what happens when your Invisalign aligners aren’t fitting properly? Poor-fitting Invisalign can be caused by many things, from incorrect measurements to gum recession. Luckily, there are ways to make them fit again. In this article, I’ll explain why your Invisalign doesn’t fit correctly, and how to

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Invisalign Chewies: Do They Really Help, Do you need them?

Invisalign chewies or aligner seaters

Invisalign chewies are commonly used accessories for Invisalign treatment. But, do chewies really help Invisalign? Do you need them? If yes, how long should you use them? Let’s find out. What are Invisalign chewies? Invisalign chewies are small and spongy chewing materials that look like a small cylinder or a roll of cotton or gauze.

Invisalign Chewies: Do They Really Help, Do you need them? Read More »

How Long Do Invisalign Attachments Stay On? [Tips To Reduce Duration]

How Long Do Invisalign Attachments Stay On? [Tips To Reduce Duration]

Today, you get attachments with Invisalign that may resemble braces though they are tooth-colored. But, some of you might want to get rid of these. So, how long do Invisalign attachments stay on? Invisalign attachments may last anywhere from 6 to 12 months or even more on your teeth. That means these may stay almost

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