
Invisalign or clear aligners are invisible verity of braces that helps straightened teeth and gives beautiful smile. Let’s know about it in detail.

Invisalign Not Fitting: Causes, How To Make It Fit Again

Invisalign is a popular choice for teeth straightening, but what happens when your Invisalign aligners aren’t fitting properly? Poor-fitting Invisalign can be caused by many things, from incorrect measurements to gum recession. Luckily, there are ways to make them fit again. In this article, I’ll explain why your Invisalign doesn’t fit correctly, and how to […]

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How Long Do Invisalign Attachments Stay On? [Tips To Reduce Duration]

How Long Do Invisalign Attachments Stay On? [Tips To Reduce Duration]

Today, you get attachments with Invisalign that may resemble braces though they are tooth-colored. But, some of you might want to get rid of these. So, how long do Invisalign attachments stay on? Invisalign attachments may last anywhere from 6 to 12 months or even more on your teeth. That means these may stay almost

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Invisalign Attachments Staining: How To Whiten And Clean

Invisalign Attachments Staining: Causes and ways to whiten

You get the Invisalign to teeth look beautiful while wearing the aligners. But, when you get the attachments or buttons, you get worried and ask, do Invisalign attachments or button stain? Invisalign attachments or buttons may get stained because of food habits or poor tooth-cleaning techniques. It makes the attachment noticeable and sometimes becomes bad

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Invisalign Attachment Fell Off: Causes, What To Do

Invisalign Attachment Fell Off: Causes, How To Fix

Invisalign treatment needs attachments to hold the aligner in position. But, what happens if one of the Invisalign attachments fell off? You would get frustrated. But, is it common for Invisalign attachments to fall off? Though falling off Invisalign attachments isn’t so common, some people face the problem on a regular basis. It may happen

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