While Invisalign is a great way to achieve straighter teeth, you might have to face some issues while using it. One common complaint from Invisalign users is the gap between their teeth and the aligners themselves.
The gap between Invisalign aligners and teeth may be the result of not wearing the trays regularly, faulty aligners, not cleaning Invisalign and teeth, poor Invisalign handling, or severely misaligned teeth. This gap means the Invisalign isn’t tracking properly. However, your orthodontist can fix the issue easily.
The effects of having gaps between the Invisalign aligner and teeth can be uncomfortable, and unsightly, and may cause the Invisalign treatment to be less effective.
There are several ways to deal with this gap and achieve better results with your Invisalign treatment.
In this article, we will discuss the causes of the gap between Invisalign and teeth, the effects it can have, and some solutions to this problem.
Air gap Invisalign tracking
The most common type of gap between Invisalign and teeth is an air gap. An air gap occurs when there is space between your teeth and the Invisalign aligners.
This can happen for a number of reasons, including poor fit, teeth that are too small, or aligners that are too big.
One of the best ways to avoid an air gap is to make sure that your Invisalign aligners fit properly.
You can do this by visiting your dentist or orthodontist for a fitting.
They will be able to make sure that your Invisalign aligners are the right size and fit snugly against your teeth.
Another way to avoid an air gap is to choose Invisalign aligners that are the right size for your teeth.
If your teeth are too small, you might want to consider getting smaller Invisalign aligners.
On the other hand, if your teeth are too big, you might need to get bigger Invisalign aligners.
Wearing the wrong size of Invisalign aligners can cause a number of problems, including the development of an air gap.
Incisal gap
When you have a gap between the incisal edge of the tooth and the Invisalign tray, this is called an incisal gap. In fact, when your Invisalign goes off track, the incisal gap is the first feature that you can notice.
The incisal edge is the pointy part of your tooth that sticks out when you smile. This is different from the cuspid, which is the pointy part of your tooth that sticks out when you bite down.
An incisal gap can develop for a number of reasons, including not wearing the trays long enough or if they’re not moving as quickly as your teeth.
If you don’t wear your Invisalign trays for the recommended 22 hours per day, you’re more likely to develop an incisal gap.
Additionally, when your Invisalign trays don’t move as expected compared to your teeth, you may have the spacing. This is because the trays are pushing on your teeth more than they’re moving them.
An issue with the tooth movement may occur because of indecent space or insufficient pressure.
Other causes of the incisal gap can be short clinical crowns, deep overbite, and large overjet.
An incisal gap can be fixed by wearing your Invisalign trays for the recommended amount of time and by ensuring that they’re moving your teeth as expected.
You can also ask your dentist or orthodontist to check the fit of your Invisalign trays. They can adjust the trays so that they fit snugly against your teeth and minimize the risk of an incisal gap.
Invisalign attachment gap
Another common cause of the gap between Invisalign and teeth is an attachment gap. An attachment gap occurs when there is space between your Invisalign aligner and your attachments.
Invisalign attachments are small pieces of metal or plastic that are bonded to your teeth. They help the aligner to grip your teeth and move them into the correct position.
This can happen for various reasons, such as poor fit, incorrect placement of attachments, or teeth that are too small.
Moreover, attachments can come loose over time, which can create a gap between the aligner and the attachments.
If you have an attachment gap, you might want to consider getting your attachments replaced or re-bonded.
You can also try wearing a different size or type of Invisalign aligner.
In some cases, your orthodontist might need to place additional attachments on your teeth.
The best way to avoid an attachment gap is to make sure that your Invisalign aligner fits properly.
If you do have an attachment gap, your dentist or orthodontist can adjust your attachments to close the gap.
Gap between Invisalign and teeth gum line
The gap between Invisalign and teeth can also occur at the gum line. A gum line gap occurs when there is space between your Invisalign aligner and your gums. This can happen for various reasons, such as teeth that are too small or an aligner that is too big.
If you have a gum line gap, you might want to consider getting your Invisalign aligners replaced. Consult your orthodontist for the best solution.
Interproximal gap
An interproximal gap is a space that occurs between two adjacent teeth. This type of gap can occur for various reasons, including poor dental hygiene, misaligned teeth, gum disease, or an improper fit of the Invisalign aligners.
If you have an interproximal gap, you might notice that food gets stuck in the space between your teeth. This can lead to increased tooth decay and gum disease.
To avoid an interproximal gap, you should practice good dental hygiene. This means brushing and flossing your teeth regularly.
You should also visit your dentist or orthodontist regularly for checkups and cleanings.
Effects of having gaps between the Invisalign aligner and teeth
When you have gaps between the Invisalign aligner and teeth, it simply indicates that Invisalign is tracking poorly. It means that the aligner isn’t fitted on your one or more teeth correctly.
This can cause a number of problems, including incorrect tooth movement, increased risk of tooth decay, damage to the aligners, discomfort, etc.
If the Invisalign aligner isn’t tracking properly, your teeth might not move into the correct position. This can lengthen the treatment time and cause your teeth to become crooked or misaligned.
When there is a gap between the Invisalign aligner and your teeth, food and bacteria can get trapped in the space. This can lead to increased tooth decay and gum disease.
If the Invisalign aligners are loose, they can rub against the gums, which can be painful. In some cases, teeth might be damaged or the aligners might even break.
Wearing ill-fitting Invisalign aligners can be uncomfortable. You might experience pain, soreness, and irritation.
Lastly, if the gaps are not closed, it may cause the Invisalign aligners to be less effective.
Causes of the gap between Invisalign aligner and teeth
There can be many reasons for the gap between Invisalign aligners and teeth. Take a look at the causes of Invisalign tracking gaps.
1. Not warning the aligner recommended amount of time
One of the primary causes is that the user has not been wearing the aligner for the prescribed amount of time each day.
As such, the teeth have not moved into their new positions as quickly as they should have, resulting in a gap.
2. Not inserting and removing the aligners properly
Other possible causes include incorrect placement of the aligner on the teeth or not following the directions for use correctly.
If the aligner is not inserted all the way onto the teeth or removed properly, it will not fit snugly and may cause a gap.
3. Not cleaning the aligners regularly
If the aligners are not cleaned regularly, food particles and bacteria can accumulate on them and cause a gap. Plaque can also build up and cause the same issue.
4. Wearing the aligners for too long
Another potential cause of a gap is wearing the aligners for too long. You can’t wear one set of trays for more than 2 weeks. So, if you’re wearing them for longer periods of time, it may cause a gap.
This is because the teeth can start to move out of their new positions if they’re not held in place long enough.
Moreover, If they are worn for more than 22 hours per day, it can also cause spacing. The reason is they may not allow the teeth to move into their new positions as intended.
5. Not replacing a lost or damaged aligner
If you lose or damage an aligner, it’s important to replace it as soon as possible. Not doing so can cause the other aligners to become loose and create a gap.
6. Teeth shifting during treatment
In some cases, the teeth may shift during treatment, which can cause a gap. This is usually due to a change in the bite or teeth grinding.
If you think your teeth have shifted, be sure to contact your orthodontist or Invisalign provider.
7. Poorly fitted aligners
Another common cause is poorly fitted aligners. If the aligners are too big or too small, they won’t fit snugly on the teeth and may cause a gap.
8. Faulty Invisalign
In some cases, the Invisalign tracking gap is caused by the Invisalign aligners themselves.
This can happen if the Invisalign aligners are not made correctly.
9. Poor oral hygiene
Poor oral hygiene can also lead to a gap between the aligners and teeth. If the teeth and gums are not brushed and flossed properly, plaque can build up and cause the aligners to not fit snugly.
10. Small tooth or short clinical crown
If you have a short clinical crown or small tooth, especially in front teeth, it can make the Invisalign not fit snugly and cause a gap. This is because the crowns don’t provide enough support for the Invisalign to grip onto. It’s mostly responsible for the incisal edge gap or aligner’s fitting issue in a single tooth.
11. Misaligned teeth
In some cases, the gap may be due to your teeth being slightly misaligned to begin with.
This is not always correctable with Invisalign and may require traditional braces in order to achieve the desired results.
12. Too much crowding or spacing between teeth
Crowding or spacing between the teeth can also cause the Invisalign tracking gap. If there is too much crowding, the aligners may not be able to fit correctly.
If there is too much spacing, the teeth may not be able to move into the correct position.
13. Deep overbite or underbite
A deep overbite or underbite can also cause a gap. In these cases, the upper and lower teeth may not meet correctly, preventing the aligners from fitting properly.
14. Teeth that are not the right shape
Teeth that are not in the right shape can also cause a gap. If the teeth are not uniform in shape, they may not be able to fit into the aligners correctly.
15. Extra teeth
Extra teeth can also cause spacing between Invisalign and tooth. These teeth may not fit into the aligners correctly or may interfere with the movement of other teeth.
16. Missing teeth
Missing teeth can also cause the Invisalign tracking gap. When there are no teeth in the way, the aligners can shift too far and cause a gap.
17. Rotated teeth
Another cause is you might have a rotated tooth. If a tooth is not in the right position, it can cause the aligner to fit poorly and leave a gap.
18. Invisalign not being worn as directed
If the Invisalign is not worn as directed, it will not work correctly and may cause a gap. It is important to follow the instructions for use in order to achieve the best results.
19. Thumb sucking
If you have a thumb-sucking habit, it can cause the teeth to become misaligned and also lead to a gap between the teeth and aligners.
20. Tongue thrusting
Similar to thumb sucking, tongue thrusting can also cause the teeth to become misaligned and result in a gap.
21. Chewing on hard objects
Chewing on hard objects, such as ice or pen caps, can damage the aligners and cause them to not fit properly. This can lead to a gap.
22. Tooth decay or gum disease
You might also have gaps between teeth and Invisalign if you have tooth decay or gum disease.
This is because it might affect the fitting of the aligners.
These conditions can also cause the teeth to become loose and eventually fall out.
23. Eating or Brushing with Invisalign on teeth
You should not eat or brush your teeth with Invisalign on as it can cause the aligners to become damaged or not fit properly and end up creating a gap between teeth and trays.
24. Not Visiting an Invisalign Dentist
If you are not visiting an Invisalign dentist regularly, they will not be able to monitor the progress of your treatment and make any necessary adjustments. This can cause a space between the teeth and aligners.
What to do if you have a gap between the Invisalign aligner and teeth?
If you think that your Invisalign aligners are causing a gap between your teeth, you should contact your dentist or orthodontist as soon as possible. They will be able to adjust the Invisalign aligners so that they fit properly. However, you can also try to close the gap at your home if the issue is minor.
How to fix the gap between the Invisalign aligner and teeth at home?
If the gap between your Invisalign aligner and teeth is not too big, you might be able to fix it at home. Here are some tips on how to close the gap between your Invisalign aligner and teeth:
This can be done by wearing the aligner for the recommended period of time each day, following all the instructions given by the orthodontist, and by using Invisalign chewies.
Moreover, make sure you insert them properly into your mouth. After inserting the aligners, you can also try to use dental floss, a toothpick, or fingers to push the aligner back into place.
After that, you should chew on Invisalign chewies to allow them to sit properly on your teeth.
Invisalign chewies are made of medical-grade silicone and they help to close the gaps between teeth and aligners. Basically, they help to push the aligners close to the teeth so that there are no gaps.
They also help to fit the aligners well so that they do not move around and cause discomfort.
In addition to using chewies, you should also follow the correct method of inserting and removing the Invisalign trays.
If the gap is not closed by following these steps, you should contact your orthodontist to fix the issue immediately.
How to prevent gaps between Invisalign and teeth
The best way to prevent gaps between Invisalign and teeth is to make sure that the aligners fit properly. This means that you should visit your dentist or orthodontist regularly for checkups and cleanings.
You should also avoid eating hard or sticky foods that can damage the aligners. And, be sure to brush and floss your teeth regularly.
In addition, you should try to use Invisalign chewies to help close the gaps between your teeth and aligners.
If you follow all these tips, you should be able to prevent gaps between Invisalign and teeth.
Your Invisalign may not track properly due to the gap between the aligners and trays. There are several types of gaps that can occur between Invisalign and teeth such as air gap, attachment gap, gumline gap, or interproximal gap.
The gap between teeth and Invisalign aligners may occur due to many reasons like not wearing the aligners regularly, improper cleaning of the aligners, not replacing a lost or damaged aligner, poorly fitted aligners, poor oral hygiene, teeth shifting during treatment, defective aligners, excessive misaligned teeth, etc.
This gap can cause a number of problems, including pain and discomfort, poor hygiene, tooth decay, gum disease, poor treatment outcome, and prolonged Invisalign treatment duration.
If you do have a gap, you should try to close it at home using Invisalign chewies or by following the correct method of inserting and removing the Invisalign trays.
If the gap is not closed or you are concerned about the gap, be sure to consult with your orthodontist or Invisalign provider. They will be able to determine the cause and recommend the best way to fix it.
Moreover, you should always practice good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist or orthodontist regularly for cleanings and checkups.
It is important to visit an Invisalign dentist regularly to ensure that the treatment is progressing as planned and to avoid any gaps between the Invisalign aligners and teeth.
Pallab Kishore is a certified dentist and the owner of Orthodontic Braces Care.
He completed BDS in 2014. Now, he is an MS resident in Orthodontics, BSMMU. He likes content writing and has 12+ years of experience in blogging.