Teeth Aren’t Perfect After Invisalign: Causes, Solutions

When people wear Invisalign, they expect their teeth to be perfect when the treatment is done. But, what if your teeth aren’t perfect after Invisalign?

Sometimes, your teeth might not be perfect after braces. Your teeth might still have some irregularities, spacing, or slight protrusion even after Invisalign. In addition, your teeth can get more yellowish after Invisalign than before. Some people also experience gum swelling or tooth decay that also makes teeth look bad.

Now, you might be wondering, why these happen and what to do about them.

In this article, I’ll discuss the causes why teeth may not look perfect after Invisalign and solutions to fix them.

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Why aren’t your teeth perfect after Invisalign?

There can be many reasons why teeth aren’t perfect after Invisalign. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Having unrealistic expectations

The most common cause of your teeth aren’t perfect is due to having unrealistic expectations.

Some patients may have unrealistic expectations about Invisalign treatment. They may think that their teeth will be perfect after Invisalign, but this is not always the case.

Invisalign can straighten your teeth and improve your smile, but it’s not perfect. There may be some minor imperfections after treatment.


Talk to your orthodontist about your expectations for Invisalign treatment and what you can realistically expect.

2. Not follow the aftercare instructions

After Invisalign treatment, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your orthodontist. This includes wearing the retainers as prescribed, avoiding hard and chewy foods, and keeping your teeth clean.

If you don’t follow these instructions, your teeth may not stay in their new position and may become crooked again.


Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your orthodontist.

3. Not wearing Invisalign trays as prescribed

One of the main reasons why teeth may not be perfect after Invisalign is because patients didn’t wear their Invisalign trays as prescribed.

Invisalign treatment requires patients to wear their trays for at least 22 hours a day.

If you don’t wear them as prescribed, your teeth will not move as planned and you may not achieve the desired results.


Wear your Invisalign trays as prescribed.

4. Relapsing

Another common reason why teeth may not look perfect after Invisalign is because of relapses.

This occurs when the teeth move back to their original position after treatment.

Relapses can occur for many reasons, such as not wearing the retainers as prescribed or due to tooth eruption.


If you have relapsed, you will need to undergo Invisalign treatment again to straighten your teeth.

5. Not following the orthodontist’s instructions during treatment

Not following the orthodontist’s instructions can also lead to imperfect teeth after Invisalign. Your teeth may not move as planned and you may not achieve the desired results.

For example, if you are not supposed to eat hard candy and you eat it anyway, your teeth may move out of place.


Follow all the instructions provided by your orthodontist to avoid any problems.

6. Not attending regular Check-Ups with the orthodontist

It’s important to attend regular check-ups with the orthodontist during Invisalign treatment.

This is because the orthodontist will need to monitor the progress of your treatment and make sure that your teeth are moving as planned.

If you don’t attend these check-ups, the orthodontist won’t be able to catch any problems early on and your teeth may not end up looking perfect.


Attend all of your scheduled check-ups with the orthodontist.

7. Not wearing retainers after Invisalign treatment

After you finish Invisalign treatment, it’s important to wear retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist.

Retainers help to hold your teeth in their new position and prevent them from moving back to their original position.

If you don’t wear retainers, your teeth may become crooked again.


Wear retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist.

8. Not being patient

It’s important to be patient during Invisalign treatment. Your teeth will not move overnight and it may take several months to achieve the desired results.

If you’re not patient, you may be tempted to skip wearing your Invisalign trays or not follow the instructions. This will only delay treatment and may cause your teeth to become crooked again.


Be patient during Invisalign treatment and follow all the instructions provided by your orthodontist.

9. Having dental problems before Invisalign treatment

If you have dental problems before starting Invisalign treatment, this can impact the results of your treatment.

For example, if you have gum disease, this can cause your teeth to become loose and move out of place.


It’s important to get any dental problems treated before starting Invisalign treatment. This will help ensure that you get the best possible results.

10. Not finishing Invisalign treatment

Another reason why teeth may not look perfect after Invisalign is because patients don’t finish their treatment.

Invisalign treatment can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. It’s important to finish the entire treatment so that your teeth can stay in their new, straight position.


Make sure to finish your entire Invisalign treatment to achieve the best results.

11. Moving teeth out of alignment during Invisalign treatment

The Invisalign trays are designed to gradually move your teeth into the desired position. However, sometimes teeth can move out of alignment during treatment.

This can happen if you don’t wear your Invisalign trays as prescribed or if you have a bad habit of clenching or grinding your teeth.


If your teeth have moved out of alignment, your orthodontist can create a new treatment plan to get your teeth back on track.

12. You have a small or large jawbone

If you have a small or large jawbone, this can impact the results of Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign is not effective in treating patients with these skeletal cases because the trays can’t change the size of the bone.

Moreover, Invisalign may not be able to correct all of the dental problems in these cases.

So, even if you get Invisalign with small or large jawbones, the outcome can be very satisfactory.


Talk to your orthodontist about treatment options if you have a small or large jawbone.

You may need to consider other treatment options, such as braces or surgery.

13. You had severely misaligned teeth before Invisalign treatment

If you have misaligned or crowded teeth before starting Invisalign treatment, there’s a chance that your teeth may not look perfect after treatment.

This is because Invisalign can only correct mild to moderate dental problems.

If you have severe dental problems, you may need to consider other treatment options such as braces.


Talk to your orthodontist about your treatment options and what you can realistically expect from Invisalign treatment.

14. You had a large missing tooth gap between your teeth before Invisalign treatment

Another reason why teeth may not look perfect after Invisalign is because you had large gaps between your teeth before treatment.

This might happen if you have spacing from a missing tooth.

Invisalign can close small gaps between teeth, but it may not be effective in closing large gaps.

You may need to consider other treatment options, including braces if you have wide gaps between your teeth.


Talk to your orthodontist about treatment options for large gaps between your teeth.

15. Having Invisalign attachments

If you have Invisalign attachments during the treatment, this can also impact the results of your look after Invisalign.

Invisalign attachments are small, tooth-colored bumps that are bonded to your teeth. They are used to help move the teeth during treatment.

As these attachments cover the center part of your teeth, the color of your teeth looks uneven after they are removed.

This is because exposed portions of teeth get more yellowing than those covered portions from food and beverages.


If you have Invisalign attachments, ask your orthodontist about the possibility of whitening your teeth after treatment to even out the color.

16. Poor oral hygiene

Poor oral hygiene can also cause your teeth to look yellow after Invisalign treatment.

This is because plaque and tartar can build up on your teeth and make them look yellow.


It’s important to brush and floss your teeth regularly and see your dentist for regular cleanings to avoid this.

17. Not caring for Invisalign aligners properly

Invisalign aligners need to be cleaned daily to remove plaque and bacteria. If they are not cleaned properly, they can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

As a result, your teeth might not look perfect after Invisalign.


Clean your Invisalign aligners daily with a soft toothbrush and mild soap. Rinse them thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth.

18. Drinking staining beverages while wearing Invisalign

Drinking coffee, tea, or red wine can make your teeth yellow or stained. This can happen even if you brush your teeth regularly.

This is because the pigments in these drinks can penetrate the enamel of your teeth and cause staining.


If you enjoy drinking coffee, tea, or red wine, try to do so with a straw to avoid contact with your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking these beverages. You can also try using a whitening toothpaste to help remove stains.

19. You have gum disease

Gum disease is another common reason why teeth may not look perfect after Invisalign.

This is because gum disease can cause the teeth to become loose and shift out of place.

In some cases, the gums may swell around Invisalign aligners. This can happen if the trays are not fitted properly or if they are not cleaned regularly.


If you have gum disease, you will need to treat it first before undergoing Invisalign treatment.

If your gums are swollen during Invisalign treatment, you should see your orthodontist so that they can adjust the fit of your trays. You should also make sure to clean your trays regularly.

If you have gum disease after Invisalign, you need to follow proper oral hygiene and consult with a dentist to treat it.

20. You have tooth decay

Tooth decay can be a reason for your teeth not looking perfect after Invisalign. It occurs because the aligners can trap food and bacteria, which can lead to cavities.


To prevent tooth decay, it’s important to brush and floss your teeth regularly and visit the dentist for regular checkups.

21. Teeth whitening products

Teeth whitening products can sometimes cause tooth sensitivity and make your teeth look yellow after Invisalign treatment.


If you use teeth whitening products, it’s important to follow the directions on the product and talk to your orthodontist first.

22. Smoking

Smoking can also cause your teeth to look yellow or stained after Invisalign treatment.

This is because the nicotine in cigarettes can stain your teeth and make them look yellow.


If you smoke, it’s important to quit smoking to improve the appearance of your teeth.

What to do if your teeth aren’t perfect after Invisalign?

If you think your teeth look weird after Invisalign treatment, there are a few things you can do.

1. Talk to your orthodontist

It’s important to talk to your orthodontist and tell him/her that you aren’t happy with the way your teeth look.

They will be able to assess your situation and recommend the best course of action.

2. Consider additional treatment

In some cases, additional treatment may be necessary to achieve the desired results depending on the causes. Options can be tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, or bonding.

3. Have realistic expectations

It’s important to have realistic expectations because Invisalign can straighten your teeth but it might not make them perfect.

Invisalign helps improve your overall look and smile. It can’t fix other issues completely such as incompetent lips, small or large jawbones, and others.

It can be helpful to talk to other people who have undergone Invisalign treatment.

They can give you insights and tips on what to expect and how to deal with any difficulties.

4. Be patient

If you are asking this question “Why aren’t my teeth perfect after Invisalign”, I’ll suggest that you keep your patience.

Remember that it can take up to a year for your teeth to fully adjust after Invisalign treatment. So, be patient and give your teeth time to settle into their new positions.

5. Proper oral hygiene

Practicing proper oral hygiene is the best way to maintain the results of Invisalign treatment and keep your teeth looking their best.

This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist regularly.

How to get perfect teeth after Invisalign?

There are a few things you can do to get perfect teeth after Invisalign.

1. Follow the instructions of your orthodontist

It’s important to follow the instructions of your orthodontist to ensure that your treatment is effective.

2. Practice proper oral hygiene

You should brush and floss your teeth regularly and visit the dentist for regular checkups.

3. Wear your retainer

After Invisalign treatment is completed, you must wear a retainer regularly.

Wearing your retainer as directed by your orthodontist will help to keep your teeth in alignment.

4. Be patient

It may take some time to see results from your Invisalign treatment. Be patient and follow the instructions of your orthodontist.

5. Ask your orthodontist for help

If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, be sure to ask your orthodontist for help. They will be able to help you achieve the perfect smile.


There are several reasons why teeth may not look perfect after Invisalign. The most common cause is having unrealistic expectations and trying to fix severely misaligned teeth or skeletal cases with Invisalign.

However, sometimes, your teeth truly may not look good. It may be a result of not following the instructions provided by their orthodontist, not finishing treat entire treatment, not wearing a retainer after Invisalign, bad oral hygiene, not taking care of Invisalign, or having other dental problems.

Talk to your orthodontist if you’re unhappy with the way your teeth appear following Invisalign treatment.

They will be able to help you in identifying the source of the problem and how to solve it.