Braces Cleaning

Get Braces Cleaning tips and Know about tools that help clean teeth and braces, as special tools are required to clean braces.

Can You Whiten Your Teeth With Braces On?

Teeth whitening with braces on teeth

It’s common to have stained or yellow discoloration of teeth after getting braces. So, you get concerned, Can you whiten your teeth with braces on? Usually, orthodontists don’t suggest whitening teeth with braces on because whitening agents will make your exposed teeth brighter that results in uneven teeth colors after braces come off. However, you

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Electric Toothbrush: Pros, Cons, Is It Good For Braces?

Can You Use An Electric Toothbrush With Braces

After getting braces, you get worried about maintaining oral hygiene. At the same time, you need to be careful to prevent damage to braces. So, Can you use an electric toothbrush with braces? You can use an electric toothbrush safely, as it doesn’t hurt your braces until you follow the proper technique of using it.

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Can You Whiten Teeth At Home After Braces? [3 Methods]

How To Whiten Teeth After Braces Come Off

You get braces to get a beautiful smile. But when you have tooth staining after braces, you can’t get absolute beauty. So, can you whiten your teeth at home naturally after braces? You can use tooth whitening products such as whitening toothpaste, strips, or gels to whiten your teeth at home after braces. But, if

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Not Brushing Teeth With Braces: 6 Effects, What To Do?

Not Brushing Teeth With Braces Effects

When your orthodontist suggests you take extra care of your oral hygiene, you may wonder, What happens if you forget to brush your teeth with braces? Not brushing teeth with braces regularly has more serious effects than without braces. You may end up with excessive deposition of plaque and tartar, tooth decay, inflammation of the

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Can You Use Whitening Toothpaste With Braces, Invisalign, Retainers?

whitening toothpaste with braces

When you have stained teeth with braces, you try to find the solution to remove the stains and think about using whitening products like whitening toothpaste. But, the question is, “Can you use whitening toothpaste with braces?” You can use whitening toothpaste with braces to remove minor stains. Unlike other whitening products, it doesn’t discolor

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10 Reasons Why Your Teeth Turn Yellow With Braces

Before or after getting braces, you experience a lot of new things including teeth turning yellow. To prevent this, you ask, “Why are my teeth turning yellow with braces?” Teeth can turn yellow or get stained with braces due to the foods and drinks that you consume. Besides, poor oral hygiene, faulty tooth cleaning technique,

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