After you get braces or even after braces come off, one common question that comes to your mind is, Do lips look different after braces?
You might experience a small fullness of the lips after having braces. However, if you have protruded front teeth that prevent contact between lips, lips contact each other naturally after braces come off. But, in other cases, you may not notice any significant difference.
But, are you curious to know which are those conditions when braces don’t affect your lips?
And, if it has any effect, what are they?
Will they make your lips bigger, smaller, thicker, or thinner?
In this article, you will know the effects of braces on lips and what you can do about that.
Do lips change after braces come off?
Braces can change the position of your lips, but they can’t change the shape of your lips. After braces come off, your lips can be positioned more forward or backward than before.
Let’s know more about it.
The position of your lips depends on the position of your teeth and jaw bone. So, let’s break it down and find out how braces affect lips in different conditions.
Correction of overbite
The primary way that an overbite will change the appearance of your lips is by pushing them forward. This is due to the fact that your upper teeth will sit in front of your lower teeth when you have an overbite.
This alignment issue puts pressure on your lips, which causes them to push out in order to compensate for the pressure. The lips will appear more pronounced when you have an overbite, and they may even look puffy.
Now, after braces fix the overbite, your teeth move backward and become straightened after braces are removed.
So, your lips will also be positioned more backward than before.
That means, your lips will go back to their normal position after the treatment.
Another thing is, in case of an overbite, your upper lip can’t contact with to lower lip normally as your upper front teeth are protruded forward.
Therefore, you always have a gap between your lips. Even if you make the contact, you have to force your jaw and lips to do that.
But, after orthodontic treatment, you will be able to make contact between your lips normally.
Correction of underbite
An underbite is the opposite of an overbite, and it occurs when your lower teeth sit in front of your upper teeth. This misalignment issue can also cause your lips to appear more pronounced.
However, the difference with an underbite is that your lower lip will protrude out more than your upper lip.
This is due to the fact that the lower teeth are sitting in front of the upper teeth, which causes the lower lip to push out more.
Now, when braces fix the underbite, you will find that your lower lip is more backwardly positioned than the upper lip after braces come off.
If you can’t make a lip seal now, you will be able to do that after the correction of an underbite.
Position of Jawbones
When your upper or lower jaw is positioned forwardly or backwardly than normal, you should expect a good change after the braces come off.
It will not only improve the appearance of your face but also make your lips look better.
However, in severe cases, your lips may remain the same.
Learn more about braces changing jawline.
Lip incompetence
Your lip is called incompetence if lips remain apart in the resting position of your jaw. That means, your lips can’t make contact or seal off naturally.
This may happen due to overbite or underbite where protruded teeth don’t allow your teeth to make a lip seal.
So, after your overbite or underbite is fixed, your lips will come back to a natural position and make the proper contact.
But, what if your lips are incompetent because of short upper and lower lips or lips being apart severely so that you can’t make lip contact even if your teeth are straight?
In that circumstance, you may not make a lip seal even after the completion of treatment.
The outcome of the treatment
Your teeth’s position might occasionally cause your lips to be positioned backward. After braces treatment is complete, teeth move forward to a position that looks natural.
Therefore, after treatment, the position of your teeth will change when your teeth protrude.
Do braces make your lips bigger?
Your lips don’t physically get bigger when you wear braces. When you have braces, your lips may feel fuller or appear bigger temporarily because the brackets create extra width between teeth and lips. It causes your lips to stick out and push the lips somewhat. However, your lips won’t get bigger or alter their shape permanently after getting braces off.
When you wear brackets, they take space between your lips and teeth. So, it pushes lips forward and causes them to look bigger.
But, not only do brackets protrude lips, but your teeth may cause them to stick out. But, how?
When you have an underbite, the orthodontists bring the top and bottom teeth into the right position and align them properly. During this procedure, it may give the impression that your top lip is fuller.
Moreover, when they move your upper teeth back slightly because they are protruding outward, your lip can also recede a little bit.
Can braces make your lips permanently bigger?
Braces can’t make your lips permanently bigger, but they may create an illusion that your top lip is fuller. When you have braces, your teeth take up more space than they did without them. This may make your lips look a little bit bigger.
Moreover, it can also happen when your teeth are straightened, your smile appears more symmetrical. And when your smile is more balanced, your top lip may look a little fuller.
If you’re considering braces to help you achieve fuller lips, talk to your orthodontist. They can help you determine if braces are the right treatment for you and explain how long you can expect the results to last.
Do lips get smaller after braces are off?
Braces will not make your teeth smaller. Your lips will never change in size just because you have worn braces or not. Only a minor change can be observed after the removal of braces which is caused by the newfound gaps in your teeth.
These gaps are quickly adjusted by your muscles and mucous membranes. There is no need to worry about your lips getting smaller after you’ve had braces because it simply doesn’t happen.
Do braces make your lips stick out?
Braces can make your lips stick out. It’s not usually a huge change, but it can be noticeable. This is because braces put extra mass on the teeth, which pushes them forward. It’s even more noticeable if you had small teeth or a thin upper lip, to begin with. However, protruding lips disappear after braces are removed.
So, braces don’t make your lips stick out permanently. In fact, braces improve the stick-out lips and move them back to a normal position.
Lips that stick out might be caused by a protruding jaw and front teeth. Your lips also become straight and appear normal when your teeth go backward following braces treatment.
Do braces make your lips thinner?
Braces don’t make your lips thinner, it is the overbite that many people have which makes their top lip look thinner. When the teeth are straightened out, the overbite is corrected and the top lip appears fuller.
Do braces make your lips wider?
Braces don’t make your lips wider, but they can give you a more confident smile. However, when you wear brackets, your lips may appear wider because of the added width of your teeth. If you’re concerned about the way your lips look with braces, talk to your orthodontist.
Do braces make your lips chapped?
Wearing braces can result in chapped lips. This is a condition when your lips dry out because of mouth breathing, dietary changes, or mild dehydration.
One of the most common complaints of braces wearers is chapped lips. This is because the brackets and wires can rub against your lips, causing them to become dry and irritated.
Another cause of chapped lips while wearing braces is mouth breathing. When you breathe through your mouth, it can cause your lips to become dry and cracked.
Dietary changes can also lead to chapped or cracked lips. If you’re eating more acidic foods or drinks, it can cause your lips to become dry and cracked.
Finally, mild dehydration can also cause your lips to become chapped. If you’re not drinking enough water, it can cause your lips to become dry and cracked.
How do you prevent chapped lips?
If you’re experiencing chapped or cracked lips, there are a few things you can do to help prevent this from happening:
1. Use lip balm.
Apply a lip balm before you put your braces on in the morning, and reapply it throughout the day as needed.
2. Avoid licking your lips.
This may seem like a difficult task, but it’s important to try not to lick your lips when you have braces. The saliva will only make them more dry and irritated.
3. Drink plenty of water.
Keeping your lips hydrated from the inside out will help prevent them from becoming chapped.
What to do if you have chapped or cracked lips?
If you do end up with chapped lips, you can do the following things to help soothe them:
1. Apply a lip balm or cream.
This will help to moisturize your lips and reduce irritation.
2. Use a soft toothbrush.
Gently brush your lips with a soft toothbrush to remove any dead skin cells.
3. Put a warm, damp cloth on your lips.
This will help to soften them and reduce the pain.
4. Drink enough water.
This will help to keep your lips hydrated from the inside out.
5. Change a dietary habit.
If you find that acidic foods or drinks are causing your lips to become dry, try to cut back on them.
6. Prevent mouth breathing.
If you find that you’re mouth breathing more often than usual, try to focus on breathing through your nose. This will help keep your lips from drying out.
If you have any concerns about your chapped lips, or if they don’t seem to be getting better with home treatment, be sure to talk to your orthodontist.
They can help you determine the cause of the problem and recommend the best course of treatment.
Do braces affect lips?
Most people don’t notice any difference in the appearance of their lips after getting braces, but some people do. It’s usually because the teeth behind the braces are pushing the lips out a bit. This usually goes back to normal once the braces are removed.
If you’re really concerned about it, talk to your orthodontist. They may be able to adjust the braces to minimize the effect on your lips.
Side effects of braces on lips
One of the most common side effects of braces is chapped lips. This is because the brackets and wires can rub against your lips, causing them to become irritated and dry.
You may also find that your lips are more susceptible to cold sores. To help prevent this, you can use a lip balm or Chapstick to keep your lips moisturized. You should also avoid using lip gloss or other products that can stick to your braces and irritate your lips.
If you do get a cold sore, it is important to treat it right away to help prevent it from spreading.
Another common side effect of braces on lips is getting hurt from brackets or wires. This can happen if you accidentally bite your lip while wearing braces.
It can also happen if the brackets or wires come loose and poke your lip. If this happens, you should clean with warm water and soap.
You may also want to put a cold compress on the area to help reduce swelling. If the pain is severe, you may need to see a doctor.
In rare cases, people can have an allergic reaction to the metals in braces. This can cause a rash, hives, or even difficulty breathing. If you think you may be having an allergic reaction, you should see a doctor right away.
Overall, the side effects of braces on lips are usually minor and can be easily managed. However, if you are having any severe side effects, you should see a doctor right away.
You can also check out if braces make your teeth look weird.
Why can’t you close your lips after braces?
You may not be able to close your lips after getting braces for a few reasons.
First, it takes time to get used to the feeling of having something new in your mouth. It can take a few weeks for your lips to “get used” to the braces and for you to adjust to the new sensation.
Second, the brackets and wires of your braces may be irritating your lips and causing them to swell. This is usually just a temporary side effect that will go away as your mouth gets used to the braces.
Third, you may need to adjust the way you close your lips in order to avoid putting too much pressure on your teeth and brackets. You may need to practice closing your lips gently and evenly until it feels natural.
If you’re still having trouble closing your lips after a few weeks, talk to your orthodontist. They may be able to adjust the braces or give you some tips on how to make the transition easier.
Can braces cause dark lips?
Braces can cause dark lips if the braces are not fitted properly and they cause pressure soreness on your lips. These sores can lead to post-inflammatory pigmentation, which are dark spots that remain after the sore has healed. This is more likely to happen in people with darker skin types.
It can also happen when the person has a reaction to the metal in the braces.
However, dark lips can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as Addison’s disease or Cushing’s syndrome.
Can braces cause lip incompetence?
Braces don’t make your lips incompetent. However, your lips may look different after braces as they correct the bite and make your lips protruded or retruded.
Lip incompetence is a condition where the lips can’t touch or close properly. This can be due to several things such as an imbalance of the muscles around the mouth, damage to the nerves that control the lips, or teeth that are missing or not in the right position.
In general, though, you will find that your lips return to a more normal position after braces treatment is complete. Additionally, if you have an issue with your lips not making proper contact, that will likely be resolved after treatment as well.
However, your lips can change their position as your overbite or underbite is corrected after braces.
If you have any concerns about how your lips may look after braces, be sure to discuss them with your orthodontist.
Pallab Kishore is a certified dentist and the owner of Orthodontic Braces Care.
He completed BDS in 2014. Now, he is an MS resident in Orthodontics, BSMMU. He likes content writing and has 12+ years of experience in blogging.