Front Teeth Hurt While Biting Down Braces: Causes, Solutions

If you have braces, you may experience occasional discomfort, especially when you eat. Sometimes, you may feel discomfort with front teeth pain when biting down.

This can happen for a number of reasons and is usually nothing to worry about. However, if the pain is severe or persists for more than a few days, you should consult your orthodontist.

In this article, I’ll discuss potential causes of front teeth pain when biting down and what you can do about them.

Why do My front teeth hurt when I bite down braces?

It’s not unusual to feel a little uncomfortable after getting braces for the first time. In fact, it’s perfectly normal to feel some soreness and tenderness in your mouth as your teeth begin to shift into their new positions. But, something else might be going on if you constantly feel a sharp pain in your front teeth when you bite down.

Also, check out why one tooth hurt with braces.

Here are a few potential causes of your front teeth aching when you bite down while wearing braces.

1. Pressure from braces on front teeth

After getting braces tightened, the metal wires and brackets put pressure on the front teeth when biting down, leading to pain. This usually resolves itself in a few days as the teeth and braces adjust to their new positions.

It happens because your teeth are adjusting to the presence of the braces and the new alignment they are creating.

Braces wire puts a force on your teeth through braces. Because of this, changes occur in the bones and gums. As a result, your teeth feel pressure and start to shift in a certain direction.

This process can take some time and may be accompanied by mild discomfort.

2. Biting hard or crunchy food

Biting down on hard or crunchy food while wearing braces can cause pain in the front teeth. This happens because the pressure of biting puts extra strain on the already stressed area.

Moreover, eating these types of food can lead to pain in the front teeth if it gets stuck in the brackets or wires.

Opening your mouth wide while biting large food such as apples or burgers can also contribute to pain in the front teeth.

It’s best to avoid or limit hard and crunchy foods until your teeth have adjusted to the braces.

3. Braces rubbing against your gum 

It’s likely that the brackets on your top front teeth are pushing against your gum line and irritating it.

Repositioning the wire so that it is not pushing against your gums frequently solves this problem.

If the wire cannot be moved, your orthodontist might have to cover the bracket with a rubber pad to prevent further sensitivity in your gums.

4. Braces wire being too tight

It is most likely caused by the wire being too tight. Your orthodontist may have used a wire that is too thick or tight.

This can cause sharp pain when you bite down on your front teeth. This can happen if you just got your braces put on or if you had an adjustment.

5. Front teeth being protruded or misaligned

If your front teeth are protruding or misaligned, it’s possible that when you bite down, the force of the bite is affecting them more than the other teeth.

This is because an orthodontist needs to put pressure on your front teeth more than others to fix the bite and make teeth straight. This can lead to pain and discomfort.

6. Overlapping of teeth

If your front teeth overlap, you can also feel pressure on those teeth when braces are tightened to move them.

7. Gaps between teeth

If you have large gaps between your front teeth, the brackets and wires of your braces can put extra pressure on these teeth while they are being shifted into their new positions.

8. Broken braces wire

If you have noticed a broken wire in your braces, this could be the cause of your pain. When a wire breaks, it can cause sharp and intense pain when you bite down.

9. Bent or poking wire

The wire could also be bent and poke into your gums, which would also cause pain. The wire may get bend or pop out due to eating certain types of food or brushing too vigorously. This could also happen if you have had recent adjustments.

10. Loose brackets

Another possible cause of front teeth pain when biting down with braces is that one of the brackets has come loose. This can happen if you eat something sticky or hard (like candy or ice cream), play contact sports without a mouthguard, or accidentally hit your mouth on something.

11. Teeth sensitivity 

If you’ve always had sensitive teeth, you could notice that the pain increases when you first get braces. This is due to the pressure that braces place on your teeth, which can make any existing sensitivity worse.

12. Bruxism, or clenching and grinding of the teeth

If the pain is only occasional and mild, it is likely due to bruxism, or clenching and grinding of the teeth.

Bruxism is a condition in which people clench or grind their teeth unknowingly, often during sleep.

If you have bruxism, your front teeth may hurt when you bite down because they are being overworked by the excessive clenching and grinding.

In this situation, your orthodontist may recommend a night guard to help protect your teeth while you sleep.

What to do if your front teeth hurt when biting down braces?

Following the installation of their braces, patients usually feel some discomfort. It’s actually quite normal! You could experience some pressure and soreness in your mouth when your teeth initially begin to move. There are still some other factors, though, that can cause pain.

Here are the things that you should do to relieve front teeth pain while biting down with braces.

1. Avoid hard, sticky, and crunchy food.

Avoid eating hard, sticky and crunchy food as it can damage your braces or get stuck in between your teeth and braces.

2. Apply orthodontic wax.

If you experience pain due to a bent wire or bracket poking into your gum, you can put orthodontic wax on the wire or bracket to create a protective barrier.

3. Use an over-the-counter pain reliever.

You can also take an over-the-counter pain medication to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by braces if you can’t tolerate the pain.

4. Rinse with lukewarm and saltwater.

A mouthwash with lukewarm water and a pinch of salt is another option. Any discomfort or irritability brought on by braces can be relieved using this remedy.

Additionally, it can lessen inflammation, which will ease the discomfort that braces on the front teeth can cause.

For optimal results, rinse 2-3 times daily for about a minute. Before going to bed and after eating, make sure to rinse your mouth.

5. Brush and floss regularly.

Try gently flossing the area to remove any food particles that may be caught between your teeth and try using a toothbrush with soft bristles to brush the area gently.

6. Check the rubber bands.

The thing you should also do is check your rubber bands. Your teeth will ache if your rubber bands are too tight since they will be pressed against them. But, rubber bands won’t be able to effectively move your teeth if they are too loose. However, you can’t do it on your own. You should see your orthodontist for that.

7. Fix the poking wire.

You should also check your wire to make sure it’s not poking you in the gum line. If it happens, you can try to push it down with a cotton swab or a toothbrush. If that does not work, you can cover the end of the wire with a piece of orthodontic wax.

And, if your teeth are still hurting, you should make an appointment with your orthodontist so they can fix the problem.

8. Fix the loose braces.

If a bracket comes loose, it will need to be replaced by your orthodontist. In the meantime, you can use orthodontic wax to temporarily hold the bracket in place until you can get to the orthodontist.

9. Relieve tooth sensitivity.

If your front teeth are sensitive, use toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth first. To further help relieve sensitivity permanently, discuss with your orthodontist receiving desensitizing gel or fluoride treatments.

10. Consult with a tour orthodontist

If the pain persists, it is best to talk to your orthodontist. They may be able to adjust your braces or give you additional advice on how to relieve the pain.

They will be able to adjust your braces and relieve the pressure that’s causing the pain.

However, if the pain is caused by an infection or other serious condition, you may need to see a dentist or oral surgeon for treatment.

Know more about braces pain relief.


If you have braces and are experiencing front teeth pain when biting down, there are several potential causes and solutions.

Most likely, the pain is due to your teeth adjusting to the new alignment created by the braces. This process takes time and may be accompanied by mild discomfort.

However, if the pain is severe or persists for more than a few days, consult your orthodontist.

They will determine whether there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed or if the pain will resolve on its own with time.